Stimulating, hands-on materials allow for active learning. Students develop their own learning styles in social settings and classroom interaction. Essential skills include listening, acquiring of expressive oral language, and the appreciation for reading. A major goal is concept development and readiness for a lifetime of self directed learning through curricular experiences, in mathematics as well as language and independent inquiry.
Pre Kindergarten in Israel Curriculum
Personal and Social Education
Children learn to recognize and communicate their own feelings and emotions in appropriate ways; develop an awareness of their self-identity, and show self-confidence, self-worth, and increasing independence. They demonstrate awareness of and respect for the views, rights and differences of others.
In Pre kindergarten in Israel, children learn about the cultural similarities and discuss the various traditions families celebrate.
Children speak and listen in a wide range of activities- in groups and individually. Reading and writing are introduced through play-based activities involving written and visual texts. Children practice their emergent understanding of literacy and approximations are accepted and valued.
English Pre kindergarten Israel students begin to develop understandings of addition, subtraction, measurement, probability and spatial/relationships through concrete experiences and creative applications.
Social Studies
Children explore how families work, play and celebrate together. Children learn about different communities and how to become a responsible citizen.
Children learn about the properties and behaviors of different materials and how these properties and behaviors determine their use.
A wide variety of art media is explored to express children’s ideas, observations and feelings. Children are introduced to the “Artist of the Month”, specific art vocabulary and respond reflectively to the artwork of famous artists.
Children listen to and join in a range of music and begin to recognize pitch, rhythm and beat. They use instruments to accompany and create music.
Physical Education
Children discover the capabilities of their bodies and the variety of ways they can be used.
They are exposed to a variety of activities which will develop motor skills and coordination and are introduced to a healthy and active lifestyle and ways to exercise for fun and fitness.
Practical Life
Practical life activities include a wide range of tasks from brushing teeth to setting a table. These activities address the child’s basic desire to feel competent and independent.
Additional Languages ( i.e.French/German/ Hebrew )
Children have the opportunity to learn an additional language during two 30-minute language lessons per week. The lessons are age appropriate and lots of fun. They listen to stories, sing songs, learn easy rhymes and play games in French/German or Hebrew. They also learn about the cultural events through out the year.