Grade 6

ages 11-12

Grade 6 2018-02-03T14:59:34+00:00

Middle School Grade 6 Curriculum


Students develop the fundamental skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. They read six novels, as well as a variety of poetry, Reader’s Theatre and short stories.


This course offers an effective and enjoyable transition to Middle School math studies and focuses on increasing proficiency in using whole numbers, fractions and decimals with all of four operations. Individual and group work provides students the chance to extend their mathematical thinking through finding patterns, thinking divergently and experimenting with visual/spatial challenges. Students also explore the purpose of mathematics in the real world and the role it plays in other studies.

Social Studies

This course begins with an introduction to the study of history and geography and an exploration of how we locate ourselves in time. Students are encouraged to make connections from the past to their lives today. This course is integrated with Grade 6 Language Arts program and is designed to develop reading, writing, verbal and analytical skills. Students work individually and collaboratively on projects in order to help them develop research and presentation skills.


This course includes the study of cells, DNA and modern Genetics, classification of living things, Ecosystems & Bromes and the Human Body.


Grade 6 students use a wide variety of art materials, tools and media, and are encouraged to use the environment and their imagination in their work. Students make initial sketches and learn that artwork requires thought, planning, effort and revision.


Grade 6 students are able to learn a string instrument and subsequently deepen their music theory study and focus on learning proper tone production.
Grade 6 students enjoy music through singing, dancing and playing both games and instruments. Reading music and following the conductor are essential skills.

Physical Education

Students learn about fitness and its benefits through studying and participating in a wide range of physical activities. Activities include team games (ball handling and fundamental skill development), individual sports (gymnastics, swimming, surfing, tennis and dance) and fitness (circuit training, stretching and warm-up exercises) .

Additional Languages ( i.e.French/Spanish/German/Hebrew )

Every student whose academic standards allow an additional language, have the choice of French, Spanish, German or Hebrew. (Minimum amount of children needed.)
The middle school additional language program aims to develop and improve comprehension, expression and grammar. Vocabulary, grammar and research are integrated into the program according to the student’s level. Students learn about customs through cultural activities.

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