Welcome to the Middle School
Welcome to the Middle School, which is a very special place. Housed in an old family villa, our school is one large family where everyone knows each other and cares for one another. We have a strong sense of community and a feeling of belonging, which is so important for Elementary/ Middle School students.
Our Middle School is a dynamic, energetic and exciting place where the students have a myriad of activities in which to involve themselves. We appreciate the zest which Middle School students have for life and aim to channel this energy in a productive way so that all Middle School students can find their strengths and thrive. We aim to develop strong and healthy self concepts so that our Middle School students are well equipped to succeed with life’s challenges.
The Middle School years can be a difficult time, as students change from children into adolescents and experience an enormous number of physical, social and emotional changes. Our Middle School provides a safe, happy and stimulating environment where every student is valued and feels guided, supported, nurtured and most importantly, respected, through one of the most difficult phases of their lives.
The greatest satisfaction for us is to be surrounded by students and teachers who are happy and love coming to school each day!